Thursday, December 12, 2013

Cases and Declension in Biblical Taimir

In contrast to the Prototype Taimir described in January 2013, noun cases are indicated predominantly with suffixes in Biblical Taimir, which I have used to translate a number of biblical passages. Here is a recap on the list of all fourteen cases and their uses.

0. Vocative-Affixational
1. Nominative
2. Accusative
3. Genitive-Partitive
4-6. Inessive, Elative, Illative ("in" cases)
7-9. Adessive, Ablative, Allative ("at" cases)
10. Comitative-Instructive
11. Abessive
12. Essive-Transformative
13. Benefactive

Nouns referring to entities, adjectives and determiners (e.g. one of, most of, any, etc.) are declined as nouns and otherwise subjected to the same grammatical rules.
We take the example of the nouns poruko, kuemeri, meas and Andrasi (which means storm, palm of the hand, fruit, and a personal name)

0. Vocative-Affixational (NULL)
Inflection: no inflection - poruko, kuemeri, meas, Andrasi
Preposition: aj (not usually used)
1. As a vocative case:
++ Andrasi! Andrasi! Aj tu, ede Andrasa 'es.
++ Andrasi! Andrasi! Hey you there, help me call Andrasi.
2. As a prefix or infix in coumpound words:
++ Kanien kolunsilihengulla. ++ I saw a gentleman-ghost.
3. To indicate a name (used with noun hese: to call)
++ Hesi Aikonen prakasa heo. ++ God called the light day.
4. Indicates subject in an imperative sentence (some dialects)
++ Akuke vu hanjara ekkasde! ++ Go and catch some ducks for dinner!
++ Tokko hi! ++ I hope he dies!

1. Nominative (NOM)
Inflection: ends in -n - porukon, kuemeren, measan, Andrasen
Preposition: an
1. Inflects the subject of an indicative sentence
++ Tokki Andrasen ++ Andrasi died.
2. Used to indicate identity ("It is/was/will be...")
++ Andrasen! ++ It's Andrasi!
3. A variant of this usage uses the suffix -ns and indicates existence ("There is/was/will be...")
++ Aristokratans Andrasi hesi. ++ There was a nobleman called Andrasi.

2. Accusative (ACC)
Inflection: ends in -a - poruka, kuemera, measa, Andrasa
Note: Final syllable emphasised, pronounced with sharp falling tone.
Preposition: ad
1. Inflects the object of an indicative sentence.
++ Nairi txarhan tanguala. ++ The lightning strike (txarhan) started a big fire.
I. Inflects the subject in a passive sentence.
++ Bailemasa tangi. ++ Much of the town was burned down.

3. Genitive-Partitive (GEN)
Inflection: ends in -e - poruke, kuemere, mease, Andrase
Note: written with ẽ to differentiate from allative case, final syllable pronounced with falling-falling tone in tonal dialects.
Preposition: na
I. Indicates ownership
++ Tokki morinen Andrase. ++ Andrasi's horse (morinen) died.
2. Indicates attribute (use with most adjectives)
++ Tunkain vilde. ++ It's a wild reindeer.
3. Inflects nouns attached to a determiner.
4. Indicates plural of a noun (case is indicated by preposition)
++ Tokki masan na morine Andrase. ++ Most of Andrasi's horses died.

4. Inessive (INE)
Inflection: ends in -li - porukli, kuemerli, measli, Andrasili
Preposition: in
I. Indicates location inside of another object, person, or country.
++ Eilili pase sujan landsin! ++ Nothing ever happens in this country!

5. Elative (ELA)
Inflection: ends in -im - porukim, kuemerim, measim, Andrasim
Preposition: arim
I. Indicates transition from a location describable with an inessive case.
++ Ha nusi narodim. ++ He was banished from the tribe.

6. Illative (ILL)
Inflection: ends in -s - porukos, kuemeris, measas, Andrasis
Preposition: is
I. Indicates transition to a location describable with an inessive case (into)
++ Utiki kerkas he. ++ He retreated into his house.

7. Adessive (ADE)
Inflection: ends in -t - porukot, kuemerit, measat, Andrasit
Preposition: at
I. Indicates location adjacent to another object (at, on) or in a certain direction.
++ Utamains aigonkerkat. ++ There is a concert at the church.
2. Indicates location at the home of a person (used prepositionally with genitive case)
++ Amman at Andrase. ++ I am at Andrasi's place.

8. Ablative (ABL)
Inflection: ends in -sa - porukosa, kuemerisa, measasa, Andrasisa
Preposition: isa
I. Indicates transition from a location describable with the ablative case.
++ Irisa kome niskuren. ++ The clouds are coming from the west.

9. Allative (ALL)
Inflection: ends in -e - poruke, kuemere, mease, Andrase
For non-tonal dialects, declension is preferably prepositional. (ak + NULL) 
Preposition: ak
I. Indicates transition to a location describable with the ablative case.
++ Irie buse niskuren. / Ak iri buse niskuren. ++ The clouds are moving to the west.
2. Indicates object of an action where movement is involved
++ Bleirea ellmante ++ to shine upon the world.

10. Comitative-Instructive (COM)
Inflection: ends in -u - poruku, kuemeru, measu, Andrasu
Preposition: vit
I. Indicates an object which is used.
++ Amaruka kapiki he pihku. ++ He stabbed the wolf with his hunting knife.
2. Indicates possession.
++ Matsebegen hela ju. ++ I have ten wives. (lit. Wives-ten are with-me)
3. Indicates company.
++ Biudningatti vit utare je hetin. ++ I went hunting with my friends. (lit. For-hunt with friends my I-went.)
4. Indicates manner.
++ Dobrotu ja tratila. ++ They treated me kindly (with kindness).
5. Indicates a cause.
++ Taskinu masan tokkoila. ++ Many died because of the flood.

11. Abessive (ABE)
Inflection: ends in -ugi - porukugi, kuemerugi, measugi, Andrasugi
Preposition: ugi
I. Indicates absence of something or someone.
++ Kerkagi hela. ++ They are homeless (without a house).

12. Essive-Transformative (ESS)
Inflection: ends in -um - porukum, kuemerum, measum, Andrasum
Preposition: sum
I. Indicates likeness.
++ Hengullen kolunsilum. ++ The ghost had a likeness of a gentleman.
2. Indicates action on the behalf of, or in the capacity of, an entity or position.
++ Komen biskum. ++ I come on behalf of the bishop. / I come as the bishop.
3. Indicates transformation.
++ Taskinu siretokan suelum blivi. ++ The headlands turned into an island because of the flood.

13. Benefactive (BEN)
Inflection: ends in -de or -atti - porugde, kuemerde, measatti, Andrasatti
Preposition: hyti
I. Indicates an action or object for the benefit of someone. (used with some verbs)
++ Posviagen kurasa je matsede. ++ I dedicate this book to my wife.
++ Masosen tude. ++ This meat is for you.

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Advent: Susdal Mataiẽ, 24u

37 'As it was in Noah's day, so will it be when the Son of man comes.
38 For in those days before the Flood people were eating, drinking, taking wives, taking husbands, right up to the day Noah went into the ark,
39 and they suspected nothing till the Flood came and swept them all away. This is what it will be like when the Son of man comes.
40 Then of two men in the fields, one is taken, one left;
41 of two women grinding at the mill, one is taken, one left.
42 'So stay awake, because you do not know the day when your master is coming.
43 You may be quite sure of this, that if the householder had known at what time of the night the burglar would come, he would have stayed awake and would not have allowed anyone to break through the wall of his house.
44 Therefore, you too must stand ready because the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

37 Kom héi in heogẽ Noahẽ, héa kurt kóma Virmakin*.
38 Kurim heoselli prit taxkinẽ, an tupẽ suíla, baírila, tásvaila meitsà virà, heoge kurt heti Noahan samastis.
39 Sujà susónilaksi samane kurt kómi, sà sluóti taxkinen. Sesim héa kurt kóma Virmakin.
40 Epi virsiten okyli, noià brati, noià lesi.
41 Na bansiti veskili an hikúila, noià brati, noià lesi.
42 Hegt ehvu** ar singi, kurim heogà heramárvus kurt kóma agan vẽ
43 Vísealsus an taxke kurẽ, kuli hérami kerkaturejan ekksamanà kurt koma kymbrejan, éhepsi ar singi, sujà kymbreà adinepsi.
44 Hegt mustevúskin tuniakeà, kurim kóma Virmakin samane ar ódotearvus.

* "Son of man": lit. maki vire; compounded
** Informal imperative "ehvu"; "He gut" (Thus, lit. It is with the fact that) compounded

[Matthew 24:37-44]

The Martyrdom of Eleazar: 2u Makabere 6u

18 Eleasara noia priaste allakejage, otsavajatse, sauliasnenge aristokrate, musuti ahoa hie baskadea, svinmasoa sua.
19 Men gut volesi toukotnenka slavaut sivanindsa ar polui, masoa plauti, priek iskasajaki itsem heti,
20 gom an vire solinela, trasaut ravadea viktea seatusugi tatea, nemkosut serea sivanenka.
21 Vira brati an valtaut ritualatti seatusugi, sambandim hese; hea nogati paikea masoa itsege, kak taidipsi sua seatusut, hakatipsi sua talisa holkoste kungisa;
22 Hei kak toukotnenka skaparipsi, kak hea tratilapsi dobrotaut, hut starutarnengarim.
23 Men resi aristokratum, kimaut savajatse, songene stare, disenenge glasilege hie, sivanenge ar sivi kildnengarim. He gut menstedi kuja kult kaike, heipsi odanen heljeseatusatti ar andmi Aikonen. Hesa komandi itsea poslatea direktat Hadesis, kurit skaidroti:

24 Savajatsat nie heapsi vodnostugi, hakatea kuja; Ponselapsi masan hadate na vire, kuja heti Eleasaren satugibere (90e) savajatse religionis valsere.
25 Kuli apokripten aksinatti sivanenge, hesa savestesen, kurit hapen posoren otsavajatsek e.
26 Samakuli samansesit skaparen stravnenka vire, eilili skaparennen giehtisa Kaikataitajage.
27 He gut, virum odot biraken sivanenka e, aratan itsea kimaut otsavajatse e,
28 lesan eritaki primira aristokratum toukoa vilili stedrostut seadusti ar heli. 

Kuja kovorti, epi heti direktat iskasajaki.
29 An isprit dobrotaut, odot blivi het dosmanlikt, kurim sauliasi ar kovorti husut mareserem.
30 Kurit tahti toukoa arim slage, groni kovorti:

Iskuikure skaparesen toukotnenka, tie Adonain tietoli ar heli kuja, ainusili sisennen sausmataja tanili e bitsnengarim, hea sisen radostut heagali e, posviagnengarim hea e.

31 Kun toukotningen hie, lesea primira trase, primira ar vergesalaksi saine, ni ainusili eritati men kaikatti nasie.

[2 Maccabees 6:18-31]

Wisdom: An Vanasone 8u

Gudriban Aikone nahane:
A narediti Adonain kuris malkasi kauvanan hie
Prit staraste maknenka he
Eilirim a kintami
Tabordisa, prit kun he ellmantan
Heiksi besdanan, kurit a nai
Heilaksi kaivon kuhea vesut
Prit kun kuhelki alina
Prit noke a nai
Prit kun maki ellmantaja landa
Hannua yve pavene ellmante

Kurit kintami hanila, amien
Kurit rasami gora kasvat besdane
Kurit kult suohkatmaki niskura
Kurit kintami ar kaive besdane
Kurit srideli meratti sinura
-- kak megrohaneksi meren rintaja
Kurit kuhelki nigeda jute,
Amien sidat hie, ostaten agan,
Hea gladea heo pos heoli
Eilili nolbea hut
Nolbea harnalli ellmantali hie
Gladi ammea makut vire.

[Proverbs 8:22-31]

The Creation Story: Ellmante Nareditning 1u

Notes: Quite a few changes has happened to the Taimirian languages after some months. Will follow up with some explanations and notes on linguistics. This language is a work in progress! Meanwhile, have a look at some of the translated passages.

1 Tabordat, kurit narediti Aikonen heovona juta,
2 hei jutan pustinen obliugi; abrigi nupuen besdana, kurit sluoti tugevabiekkan kult vese.
3 Kurit pasi kovorti Aikonen: Go prakasen he. Epi hei prakasen.
4 Kani Aikonen kuja prakasen sainen. Elvalasti Aikonen prakassa nupusa.
5 Hesi Aikonen prakasa heo, nupua ekka. Hei gut, komi ekkan, ledovati amuan -- hannu heo.

6 Kurit pasi kovorti Aikonen: Go miskan koutoli vese he, elvalastea talis-talissa vese. Epi pasi.
7 Maki Aikonen miskaja, elvalasti miskan vesesa kult miske, vesesa podet miske.
8 Hesi Aikonen miskaja hanil. Komi ekkan, ledovati amuan -- turu heo.

9 Kurit pasi kovorti Aikonen: Go vesa podet hanile kunamaki tasis noi, kak sauliasepsi moteren. Epi pasi. Kunamaki tasis vesa podet hanile, ha sauliasi moteren.
10 Hesi Aikonen motera jut, ha hesi tasa vese meri. Kani Aikonen kuja sainen.
11 Kurit pasi kovorti Aikonen: Go jutan paike porosta: kaika arte rastene an nai seklaja, kaika meassigre an nai measa seklut he. Epi pasi.
12 Paiki jutan kaika arte rastene an nai seklaja, kaika meassigre an nai measa seklut he. Kani Aikonen kuja sainen.
13 Komi ekkan, ledovati amuan -- seu heo.

14 Kurit pasi kovorti Aikonen: Go hela an prakase miskeli hanile, elvalastea heosa ekkasa. Go osnastela samana ar usti, ar heoge, ar savajatse,
15 ha karalela prakaspaiketsam miskeli hanile, bleirea ellmantaki. Epi pasi:
16 Maki Aikonen sitia prakase more, morbygan pravitea heoga, litpygan pravitea ekkaja; epi maki bjella.
17 Kintami Aikonen hesa miskeli hanile, bleirea ellmantaki,
18 pravitea heoga ha ekkaja, elvalastea prakassa nupusa
19 Komi ekkan, ledovati amuan -- neu heo.

20 Kurit pasi kovorti Aikonen: Go tomuela an vese aradaut ikime, ha lentala an bride kult jute ha podat miskele hanile. Epi pasi.
21 Narediti Aikonen mereharimava ha kaika arte ikime an kurankisi, vit vesanta tomuila, ha kaika arte bride sitkut. Kani Aikonen kuja sainen,
22 ha hesa megaldi: O visemus rasiksin, measnaivus ha tatakevus vesa mere; go measnaila an bridan jutat.
23 Komi ekkan, ledovati amuan -- tastu heo.

24 Kurit pasi kovorti Aikonen: Go paike jutan kaika arte ikime: na leme, na sogalela, na haivane kaike arte. Epi pasi:
25 Maki Aikonen ar haivane kaike arte, ar leme kaike arte, ar truke an sogalila jutat. Kani Aikonen kuja hen sainen.
26 Kurit pasi kovorti Aikonen: O makeon vira nem, tasvirli nie. Go valtan peskatti mere, bridatti hanile, lematti, kaikatti vildahaivane, kaikatti ikime an sogalela.
27 Narediti Aikonen vira Hie tasvirli; Tasvirli aikone hea narediti; vira bana hesa narediti.
28 Hesa megaldi Aikonen: O visemus rasiksin, measnaivus; o tatakevus ellmantaja, o supunevus hea. O bratevus valtaja peskatti mere, bridatti hanile, kaikatti ikime an busela.
29 Kovortikin Aikonen: O kanemus, vutti andmen kaika rastene an nai seklaja, kaiksa ellmante, kaika meassigre an nai measa seklut he, viktelem ve;
30 ha kaikaki haivane jute, bride hanile, ikime an sogalela jutat, hasti andmen kaika rastene grone, viktelem hie. Epi pasi.
31 Kani Aikonen kaika ar maki, naiti hea sainmasam. Komi ekkan, ledovati amuan -- jastu heo.

[Genesis 1]

Friday, January 11, 2013

Taimirian Grammar 2

F. Inflected forms
The original Taimirian language is envisioned as one that is completely isolated, in which words comprise only one units and particles are separate from their words. However, in related dialects, it would be ergonomical to merge certain words together. This gives rise to dialectical variation in an unregulated setting.

Regional type A "Anhi": Particles before pronoun e.g. An hi becomes Anhi or Ani
Regional type B "Hín": Particles after pronoun or noun e.g. An hi becomes Hian or Hín

G. Rules of inflection
(Regional type A)
Inflection type Aa: An hi becomes Anhi
Inflection type Ab: An hi becomes Ani or An'i

(Regional type B)
Inflection type Ba "Hian": Particle is intact as postfix e.g. An brid, an huali becomes Bridan, hualian
Inflection type Bb "Hihan":  'h' is inserted if two vowels are made adjacent e.g. In utsina, ana turu becomes Utsinahin, turuhana
Inflection type Bc "Hín": The vowels in the noun root and postfix are merged e.g. In utsina, ana turu becomes Utsinán, turúna.
Inflection type Bd "Han": The terminal vowel in the root is eliminated e.g. In utsina, ana turu becomes Utsinin, turana.

H. Numbers and Plurals

1. en
2. kas
3. tre
4. kaha
5. vis
6. kus
7. sett
8. kahta
9. ihta
10. setu
11. setu ha en "ten and one"
(variations: setuhaenBa setuhahenBb setuhánBc setuhenBd)
20. kas na setu "two of ten"
(variations: kasnasetuA, kassetunaB)
21. kas na setu ha en "two of ten, and one"
100. sata
1,000. tusenat
10,000. vanat
1,000,000. tuat

Plurals with numbers specified are expressed with the number in the genitive case. Thus it is said of two geese "two of goose" and six houses "six of house". It is possible in certain dialects to affix the plural marker "e" to plural objects. The dialects are hence characterised by the treatment of plural.

An kahta n'agnis (An kahta na agnis: Eight sheep)
Plural type a: No plural affix - An kahta n'agnisAba, Kahtan agnisnaBaa
Plural type b: Plural affix - An kahta n'agnis eAbb, Kahtan agnisenaBab
Plural type c: Affix only when number is unspecified.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Taimirian Grammar 1

Objective: To visualise a language which is grammatically perfect, i.e. has no exceptions to the rule, no redundancy, and needs nothing to be implied.

Constraint: The stylistic constraint in this project is that it is an isolating language (no affixes or barreling of words), with all cases and tenses indicated by markers rather than built into the word. Uniquely for this project, my language will have a marker for the nominative and accusative cases as well as the locative and other cases.

Method: The project will start from the use of nominative and accusative markers. Thence additional rules will be introduced to express things already expressible in English. Vocabulary will be conjured out of thin air or with reference to some existing language, so that the reader is not confused by broken English.

A. The Nominative and Accusative Markers
The particle an accompanies a subject i.e. a noun in the nominative case:
An hun - dog
The particle ir accompanies an object i.e. a noun in the accusative case:
Ir pesk - fish
For a simple sentence that says: A dog is eating a fish, we can say:
An hun thju ir pesk.

The beauty of this rule is that it eliminates the need for a passive voice, like the Finnish language infamously possesses. So if you want to say that a fish is being eaten, you can say
Ir pesk thju.

B. The Definite Marker
A noun is indefinite by default. For a definite noun, the particle ta is inserted, similar in role as "the" for English.
An ta hun - the dog
Ir ta pesk - the fish
An ta hun thju ir ta pesk - the dog is eating the fish
Ir ta pesk thju - the fish is being eaten

C. Verb Conjugation and Pronouns
In order to make the language extremely isolating, no verbs are conjugated. However, there are markers for tense. Using the word fin to mean "to be":
An ta pesk fin - the fish is
An ta pesk i fin - the fish was (past tense)
An ta pesk a fin - the fish will be (future tense)

The personal pronouns are listed thus:
U / Uri - 1st person (singular/plural)
Tu / Tur - 2nd person (singular/plural)
Hi / Hir - 3rd person (singular/plural)

Relative pronouns are simply the case marker of the noun of reference:
An foda na uri, an fin in heofon - Our Father, who art in heaven

D. The Other Case Markers and Negation
The particle na indicates possession and attribution, accompanying a noun in the genitive case:
An hun na u - My dog
An foda na uri - Our Father
An na tu, an na hir - Yours, theirs

The particle in accompanies a noun in the inessive case.
The particle ana accompanies a noun in the adessive case.
The particle fra, placed before in or ana, changes that particle into an elative or ablative marker.
The particle do, placed before in or ana, changes that particle into an illative or allative marker.
An hun na uri i het do in talo - Our dog went into a house
An hun na uri fin in ta talo - Our dog is in the house
An foda na u het do ana hi - My father is going to him (lit. going to-at him)
An foda na u fin ana hun na hi - My father is with (lit. at) his dog
An hir a kom fra in ta talo - They will come out of (lit. from-in) the house

The particle vit accompanies a noun in the commitative or instructive case, seen in English as "with".
An hi i thju ir pesk vit hand na hi - He ate the fish with his hand (instructive)
An hi a kom vit ta hun - He will come with the dog (commitative)

The particle son accompanies a noun in the essive case, like the word "like" or "as" in English.
An tu a kom son kung na uri - You will come as our king
An hi i fin son kung - He was like a king

The particle ni before the case marker negates the case, and also a verb
ni in ta talo - not in the house
An hi ni kom - He is not coming.

E. Grammatical Moods
Moods are indicated by the order of words in the sentence as well as markers.
The indicative mood is the default, narative mood that we have been dealing with. The word order in use is subject-verb-object (SVO) or subject-object-verb (SOV).
An hir a kom do i baile - They will come to town

The conditional mood, similar in role with the English "if", uses the word order VSO:
Kom an hir do i baile - if they come to town
Het an tu do i baile, an tu a kan ir hi - If you go in to town, you will see him

The imperative mood uses the word order VOS, emphasising the addressee at the end.
Het do i ta baile, an tu! - Go (in)to the town! (Addressing one person)
Het do i ta baile, an uri! - Let's go to the town!
Het do i ta baile, an u! - I shall go to the town!
Ni het do i ta baile an uri. - Let's not go to town.

In the subjunctive mood, the particle go is used at the beginning of the phrase in indicative. The subjunctive mood is also used for subordinate clauses:
Go an ta hun het - (I hope that) the dog goes away.
An hi ana u i so, go an hi a kom - He told me that he will come.

The interrogative mood uses the particle kad at the beginning of the sentence, indicating that a question is being asked.
Kad an thju? - Who is eating? (Question on subject)
Kad ir an tu thju? - What are you eating? (Question on object)
Kad ana an tu thju? - Where/when are you eating? (Question on locative nouns)
Kad vit ir hi thju? - How do you eat it? (lit. What-with is it eaten? Question on instructive noun)
Kad son ir hi kan? - How does it look? (lit. What-like is it seen? Question on essive noun)
Kad go an tu thju? - Are you eating? (Questioning validity of a subordinate clause)