In contrast to the Prototype Taimir described in January 2013, noun cases are indicated predominantly with suffixes in Biblical Taimir, which I have used to translate a number of biblical passages. Here is a recap on the list of all fourteen cases and their uses.
0. Vocative-Affixational
1. Nominative
2. Accusative
3. Genitive-Partitive
4-6. Inessive, Elative, Illative ("in" cases)
7-9. Adessive, Ablative, Allative ("at" cases)
10. Comitative-Instructive
11. Abessive
12. Essive-Transformative
13. Benefactive
Nouns referring to entities, adjectives and determiners (e.g. one of, most of, any, etc.) are declined as nouns and otherwise subjected to the same grammatical rules.
We take the example of the nouns poruko, kuemeri, meas and Andrasi (which means storm, palm of the hand, fruit, and a personal name)
0. Vocative-Affixational (NULL)
Inflection: no inflection - poruko, kuemeri, meas, Andrasi
Preposition: aj (not usually used)
1. As a vocative case:
++ Andrasi! Andrasi! Aj tu, ede Andrasa 'es.
++ Andrasi! Andrasi! Hey you there, help me call Andrasi.
2. As a prefix or infix in coumpound words:
++ Kanien kolunsilihengulla. ++ I saw a gentleman-ghost.
3. To indicate a name (used with noun hese: to call)
++ Hesi Aikonen prakasa heo. ++ God called the light day.
4. Indicates subject in an imperative sentence (some dialects)
++ Akuke vu hanjara ekkasde! ++ Go and catch some ducks for dinner!
++ Tokko hi! ++ I hope he dies!
1. Nominative (NOM)
Inflection: ends in -n - porukon, kuemeren, measan, Andrasen
Preposition: an
1. Inflects the subject of an indicative sentence
++ Tokki Andrasen ++ Andrasi died.
2. Used to indicate identity ("It is/was/will be...")
++ Andrasen! ++ It's Andrasi!
3. A variant of this usage uses the suffix -ns and indicates existence ("There is/was/will be...")
++ Aristokratans Andrasi hesi. ++ There was a nobleman called Andrasi.
2. Accusative (ACC)
Inflection: ends in -a - poruka, kuemera, measa, Andrasa
Note: Final syllable emphasised, pronounced with sharp falling tone.
Preposition: ad
1. Inflects the object of an indicative sentence.
++ Nairi txarhan tanguala. ++ The lightning strike (txarhan) started a big fire.
I. Inflects the subject in a passive sentence.
++ Bailemasa tangi. ++ Much of the town was burned down.
3. Genitive-Partitive (GEN)
Inflection: ends in -e - poruke, kuemere, mease, Andrase
Note: written with ẽ to differentiate from allative case, final syllable pronounced with falling-falling tone in tonal dialects.
Preposition: na
I. Indicates ownership
++ Tokki morinen Andrase. ++ Andrasi's horse (morinen) died.
2. Indicates attribute (use with most adjectives)
++ Tunkain vilde. ++ It's a wild reindeer.
3. Inflects nouns attached to a determiner.
4. Indicates plural of a noun (case is indicated by preposition)
++ Tokki masan na morine Andrase. ++ Most of Andrasi's horses died.
4. Inessive (INE)
Inflection: ends in -li - porukli, kuemerli, measli, Andrasili
Preposition: in
I. Indicates location inside of another object, person, or country.
++ Eilili pase sujan landsin! ++ Nothing ever happens in this country!
5. Elative (ELA)
Inflection: ends in -im - porukim, kuemerim, measim, Andrasim
Preposition: arim
I. Indicates transition from a location describable with an inessive case.
++ Ha nusi narodim. ++ He was banished from the tribe.
6. Illative (ILL)
Inflection: ends in -s - porukos, kuemeris, measas, Andrasis
Preposition: is
I. Indicates transition to a location describable with an inessive case (into)
++ Utiki kerkas he. ++ He retreated into his house.
7. Adessive (ADE)
Inflection: ends in -t - porukot, kuemerit, measat, Andrasit
Preposition: at
I. Indicates location adjacent to another object (at, on) or in a certain direction.
++ Utamains aigonkerkat. ++ There is a concert at the church.
2. Indicates location at the home of a person (used prepositionally with genitive case)
++ Amman at Andrase. ++ I am at Andrasi's place.
8. Ablative (ABL)
Inflection: ends in -sa - porukosa, kuemerisa, measasa, Andrasisa
Preposition: isa
I. Indicates transition from a location describable with the ablative case.
++ Irisa kome niskuren. ++ The clouds are coming from the west.
9. Allative (ALL)
Inflection: ends in -e - poruke, kuemere, mease, Andrase
For non-tonal dialects, declension is preferably prepositional. (ak + NULL)
Preposition: ak
I. Indicates transition to a location describable with the ablative case.
++ Irie buse niskuren. / Ak iri buse niskuren. ++ The clouds are moving to the west.
2. Indicates object of an action where movement is involved
++ Bleirea ellmante ++ to shine upon the world.
10. Comitative-Instructive (COM)
Inflection: ends in -u - poruku, kuemeru, measu, Andrasu
Preposition: vit
I. Indicates an object which is used.
++ Amaruka kapiki he pihku. ++ He stabbed the wolf with his hunting knife.
2. Indicates possession.
++ Matsebegen hela ju. ++ I have ten wives. (lit. Wives-ten are with-me)
3. Indicates company.
++ Biudningatti vit utare je hetin. ++ I went hunting with my friends. (lit. For-hunt with friends my I-went.)
4. Indicates manner.
++ Dobrotu ja tratila. ++ They treated me kindly (with kindness).
5. Indicates a cause.
++ Taskinu masan tokkoila. ++ Many died because of the flood.
11. Abessive (ABE)
Inflection: ends in -ugi - porukugi, kuemerugi, measugi, Andrasugi
Preposition: ugi
I. Indicates absence of something or someone.
++ Kerkagi hela. ++ They are homeless (without a house).
12. Essive-Transformative (ESS)
Inflection: ends in -um - porukum, kuemerum, measum, Andrasum
Preposition: sum
I. Indicates likeness.
++ Hengullen kolunsilum. ++ The ghost had a likeness of a gentleman.
2. Indicates action on the behalf of, or in the capacity of, an entity or position.
++ Komen biskum. ++ I come on behalf of the bishop. / I come as the bishop.
3. Indicates transformation.
++ Taskinu siretokan suelum blivi. ++ The headlands turned into an island because of the flood.
13. Benefactive (BEN)
Inflection: ends in -de or -atti - porugde, kuemerde, measatti, Andrasatti
Preposition: hyti
I. Indicates an action or object for the benefit of someone. (used with some verbs)
++ Posviagen kurasa je matsede. ++ I dedicate this book to my wife.
++ Masosen tude. ++ This meat is for you.
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