37 'As it was in Noah's day, so will it be when the Son of man comes.
For in those days before the Flood people were eating, drinking, taking
wives, taking husbands, right up to the day Noah went into the ark,
39 and they suspected nothing till the Flood came and swept them all away. This is what it will be like when the Son of man comes.
40 Then of two men in the fields, one is taken, one left;
41 of two women grinding at the mill, one is taken, one left.
42 'So stay awake, because you do not know the day when your master is coming.
43 You may be quite sure of this, that if the householder had known at what time
of the night the burglar would come, he would have stayed awake and
would not have allowed anyone to break through the wall of his house.
44 Therefore, you too must stand ready because the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
37 Kom héi in heogẽ Noahẽ, héa kurt kóma Virmakin*.
38 Kurim heoselli prit taxkinẽ, an tupẽ suíla, baírila, tásvaila meitsà virà, heoge kurt heti Noahan samastis.
39 Sujà susónilaksi samane kurt kómi, sà sluóti taxkinen. Sesim héa kurt kóma Virmakin.
40 Epi virsiten okyli, noià brati, noià lesi.
41 Na bansiti veskili an hikúila, noià brati, noià lesi.
42 Hegt ehvu** ar singi, kurim heogà heramárvus kurt kóma agan vẽ
43 Vísealsus an taxke kurẽ, kuli hérami kerkaturejan ekksamanà kurt koma kymbrejan, éhepsi ar singi, sujà kymbreà adinepsi.
44 Hegt mustevúskin tuniakeà, kurim kóma Virmakin samane ar ódotearvus.
* "Son of man": lit. maki vire; compounded
** Informal imperative "ehvu"; "He gut" (Thus, lit. It is with the fact that) compounded
[Matthew 24:37-44]
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