F. Inflected forms
The original Taimirian language is envisioned as one that is completely isolated, in which words comprise only one units and particles are separate from their words. However, in related dialects, it would be ergonomical to merge certain words together. This gives rise to dialectical variation in an unregulated setting.
Regional type A "Anhi": Particles before pronoun e.g. An hi becomes Anhi or Ani
Regional type B "Hín": Particles after pronoun or noun e.g. An hi becomes Hian or Hín
G. Rules of inflection
(Regional type A)
Inflection type Aa: An hi becomes Anhi
Inflection type Ab: An hi becomes Ani or An'i
(Regional type B)
Inflection type Ba "Hian": Particle is intact as postfix e.g. An brid, an huali becomes Bridan, hualian
Inflection type Bb "Hihan": 'h' is inserted if two vowels are made adjacent e.g. In utsina, ana turu becomes Utsinahin, turuhana
Inflection type Bc "Hín": The vowels in the noun root and postfix are merged e.g. In utsina, ana turu becomes Utsinán, turúna.
Inflection type Bd "Han": The terminal vowel in the root is eliminated e.g. In utsina, ana turu becomes Utsinin, turana.
H. Numbers and Plurals
1. en
2. kas
3. tre
4. kaha
5. vis
6. kus
7. sett
8. kahta
9. ihta
10. setu
11. setu ha en "ten and one"
(variations: setuhaenBa setuhahenBb setuhánBc setuhenBd)
20. kas na setu "two of ten"
(variations: kasnasetuA, kassetunaB)
21. kas na setu ha en "two of ten, and one"
100. sata
1,000. tusenat
10,000. vanat
1,000,000. tuat
Plurals with numbers specified are expressed with the number in the genitive case. Thus it is said of two geese "two of goose" and six houses "six of house". It is possible in certain dialects to affix the plural marker "e" to plural objects. The dialects are hence characterised by the treatment of plural.
An kahta n'agnis (An kahta na agnis: Eight sheep)
Plural type a: No plural affix - An kahta n'agnisAba, Kahtan agnisnaBaa
Plural type b: Plural affix - An kahta n'agnis eAbb, Kahtan agnisenaBab
Plural type c: Affix only when number is unspecified.
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